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Weather Radar Center Menu Guide

Weather Radar Center Menu Guide
Radar Radar Composite images are composited images from individual radar images taken from 1.5 km. You can select date, time, and period for the images.
Individual images are individual radar images taken from 1.5 km. You can select date, time, and period for the images.
Radar Precipitation Forecast Guidance, based on radar data, predicts the precipitation every 30 minutes
Notification Radar Radar
Radar observation network operated by the KMA.
Radar configuration.
Radar observation principles.
Radar data
process flow
Radar data process flow.
Echo Type Echo types observed by weather radar.
Lightning Lightning
Lightning detection network operated by KMA.
Lightning detection principles according to its lightning detection equipment.
safety tips
Lightning safety tips.
Introduction Greeting WRC will protect the lives and property of citizens and do our best to promote the welfare of the public.
History History of the Weather Radar Center.
Vision Fast and accurate weather service
Organization The Weather Radar Center consists of the Radar Operation Division operating six weather radar systems and a Radar Analysis Division.
Direction The Weather Radar Center is located in the KMA.

Computer Environment

To use the KMA Web page, we recommend the latest version of an Internet browser such as Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7.0, Mozilla 1.5, Firefox 1.5, or Opera 7. And this Web page's resolution is optimized for 1024x768, so you can see more contents without scrolling.

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